Wheel Profile Measurement System

Accurate, Rugged and Reliable

Measure wheel profiles of moving trains.

Camera and Laser Combination for Accurate Measurement of: Wheel profile Wheel diameter Wheel width Back-to-back gauge

Measurement accuracies in some applications to 0.3 mm at 120 kms per hour

Measurement accuracies in some applications to 0.3 mm at 120 kms per hour

ApnaTech Wheel Profile Measurement System: Key Features

  • Automation of wheel measurements and inspections
    • Dramatic savings in personnel time and cost versus manual inspections
  • Measurements at line-speeds
    • Rolling stock stays in service for longer
  • Works in even the toughest environments
    • Limits risk to personnel, works 24/7 in all environments
  • Digital, accurate record of wheel profile and diameter with automated warnings of issues
    • Digital (not paper) record usable across operations and maintenance
    • Critical issues flagged and reported automatically

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